Monday, October 10, 2011

Christian Monologues for Women.

First before you begin to read/memorize let me give you a brief summary of both. The first monologue is called Why me? The woman can be a teen or a female in her early 20s. She is a tough girl, she has seen alot, been through alot, basically raised on the streets kinda of girl. When you perform this monologue there has to be an easy harshness about you. You know the term rough around the edges..That's her! She is use to treating people like trash until one day nobody cares about her. So she decides to end it all until The Healer comes into her life and nothing is ever the same again...

The streets taught me how to be tough, heartless, cold, how to permanently damage with my words and my fists. How to please a man. The streets taught me how to survive… Nothing scared me, nothing got in my way, no one stopped me from getting what I wanted when I wanted it. I was the boss and the world was on my side. I had parties, had loads of follower’s, wannabe’s, even my enemies wanted to be like me. I had all the power…Until she came.
She was smarter, prettier, Better. She took everything and now I don’t shine. She came out of nowhere I wasn’t prepared. Now no one is afraid of me anymore, no one wants to listen to me, no one wants to be like me, no one sees me, no one loves me.

I am sorry for what I done but no one forgives me. I dont blame them. Look at me, pathetic, filthy, and used up, worthless. He said he would love me forever – but – he lied. He's with Her now. I am nothing but an empty shell.  Depressed, lonely, Insecure, Heartbroken. I don't deserve to live anymore. I escape.(Picks up knife and holds to wrist)  Until a voice cries STOP!!!!
I see him.
He is perfect in every dimension, stainless, and he tells me to put the blade down. He tells me he cares, he tells me he loves me beyond my faults, he tells me he could erase my past, he tells me he will restore my body, he tells me with him all things are possible,  he tells me he has a purpose and a plan for me. So I drop the knife. I accept him into my heart  and suddenly I am born again? I am Born Again!  And nothing is ever the same! No one has ever spoken to me the way he does. He speaks to my heart. He has taught me for the first time how to LOVE and now LOVE is everywhere I go. It’s strange. People I use to scare just follow this light inside me. I don’t know why he saved me! But glory be to God I’m so glad he did! When I ask him why me? He just simply says when life Fails you. When people fail you. When you Fail, my love never Fails....


“A man worth waiting for…”
"A man worth waiting for..ahh. What can I say about this one?? Well it is my living, walking, breathing testimony that's for sure!! lol This is a word for all the single Christian ladies out there holding on for the chosen one, the one God promised her.  The woman can be any age, desperate for a guy in the beginning and in the end desperate to serve and to praise her God in advance for his special delivery! This monologue is  supposed to be humorous based on my book Parable of the God -Chosen Husband. These monologues were made to share, read aloud, enjoy and of course to act it out! Have fun and be encouraged!
(reading Song of Solomon)
“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth
-muah- muah
For your love is more delightful than wine.
Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes,
Your name is like perfume poured out.”
-your name is like perfume poured out?#!
OK God -I can’t take this any longer!
Where the  he-heaven is he??
I’ve been waiting for years and all I get are funky guys who talk a whole lotta game.
So where is heeee?
I’m tired of waiting, waiting and Waiting and waiting..
So where is this sweet smelling fantastic kissing man? I’m a virtuous woman, where is my virtuous man? Where? I don’t see him.
Is he even coming?
(hears the VOG)
He's on his way?
Where? Where? I'm so ready!
Is he stuck in traffic?
(acts as if she sees the man she has been waiting for)
Ouee! maybe that's him.
(Got a better look)
Nooo. That's Not him!
Ahhh. Here I am, alone, just waiting for my Boaz to put a ring on it!
(hands clasped as if praying)
Father, can he be strong and tall with great arms?
Full lips with perfect teeth with a smile that lights up a room?
Oh and he has to be smart, funnyy, charming,  stylish, SUCESSFUL, have a little swagger, oh and God??
Can he have Big Feet?
_Wait a minute- what am I saying??
Lord you know what’s right for me and you have perfect timing.  You told me he is on his way,,,So What am I so anxious about? I trust you with the man you bring into my life, whoever he is, whatever he may look like, just let him be a Man of God!  I pray that I will be the woman he has been waiting for inside and out. Keep working on this. (points to heart)  So that I will be ready when he comes. Father I trust you with the Delivery and the Package. Therefore I won’t complain about the wait because he will be all that and then some – in YOU- truly a man worth waiting for-


  1. these are wonderful. i'm pretty old,(53) so, i'm gonna do the 2nd one. thanks so much for making these available. i would love to credit you. should i just say by Kingdom Princess24, or would you like to give me your name.

    1. 53 is not old at name is Camille Julien. Thank you for your encouragement and support! Let me know how it goes. God Bless!

  2. These are amazing. I've been looking for something this for a while now. I thank God for blessing you with a gift like this. I am 20 years old, and I'm finding it hard for me to choose between the two.

  3. Hi Kristy I am so grateful you enjoy them. I love writing esp. about things of God. Thanks for your support! Pick both lol. -Camille Julien

  4. Thank you so much! I've been so discouraged the last years that I got out of all practice and all my acting gigs, the second one is going to be my first monologue for audition in years! God works in mysterious ways.

  5. Amazing monologues! I love acting and i wanted to act a character from a storyline that has a good christian message, those monnologues are amazing!
    I'm actually going to act out both, hope it's okay ^^..stay blessed! I will also give you credits

    1. Thank you that is why I posted them so that I could share with sisters. Be blessed :)

  6. I am in tears, not tears of laughter, but tears of revelation and healing as I read each of these! I prayed for God to send me a word and my prayers have been answered in each of the monologues you have written; they speak so deeply to exactly where I am, today. With some slight revisions, I am looking forward to using these as ministry and I know that God will be glorified and women will be healed.

    You are awesome! Thank you for allowing God to use your talents to encourage and inspire others!

  7. Amen! Thank you for those empowering words. I write so that I can encourage and you encouraged me! Thank you :) :)

  8. Soo i have been looking and looking for the perfect monologue to do for my Audition, and I've found it! I will do the first one, it really touched me, I can relate to it and i am so happy you write from a Christian perspective. Thank you again, and I will credit you at the audition on Saturday!

  9. Hi! I am Christinn, a teenage girl. Can I perform your monologue for our youth service this coming sunday? :)

  10. Yes of course please credit me as the author. I am currently working on a Christian monolouge book anyway Enjoy! Let me know how it goes!

  11. why me is the very much like me. this monologue is what i will audition with. i can act it best because i can connect to it.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. greetings , i am excited to have seen these monolgues, i will perform each. I am doing a video audition for Sight and Sound theatre in PA. This is challenging and appropiate. As the creator, I'd like to send you a clip once it's done. agore24 at gmail. com hit me up or i shall return and leave a link. Thank you

  14. Thank you everyone so much. So shocking to see people over the years finding and loving the monologues. Praise God! Please visit my website for my new ebook for more monologues:
