Monday, December 6, 2010

Skydiving Addiction

 I can't get enough air. I'm starting to feel like a serious airhead because I'm addicted to skydiving.

I wanted to jump since the age of eight (thanks to Cliffhanger and those airhead guys who jumped off Colorado cliffs) and now I'm doing it at 24! Awesome!

For my birthday (July 31st) I jumped 10, 000 feet. I couldn't breathe for fifteen seconds. I thought I was going to die. My whole life flashed before my eyes. I have it recorded on tape. I loook petrified!

My friend jumped at the last minute with me. She is incredible. She was silent in the film. Understandable given the circumstance.

The guy asked me if I would do it again. He didn't know I already lost my mind way back when.

And Guess What? I did it again in October.

Too bad Jersey Shore Skydive closed for the winter I would've jumped below twenty degrees! Yes it's that bad.

I aspire to jump alone one day. Pray for me.
I aspire to base jump one day. Ask God to restore my sanity.

There's nothing like breathing two inches from the clouds. There's nothing like flying above the birds. The feeling of invincibility, power, defying gravity makes you feel in conquerable.

I guess that's why my partner thought he was a god.

I'm not that silly. I know the maker of the heavens and earth. When I jump I feel closer to him and his majesty.

I thank him for making a tiny speck like me. To not only make me but to put up with me and love me is incredible. I serve a amazing God. The adrenaline rush, the craving inside soul yearns to connect to his creation. He is my natural high. I don't need drugs. I don't need alcohol. I don't need a man to feel giddy, I just jump and I'm there.

The experience takes my breath away...

I hope my future husband is a dangerous Christian. I am.

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