Saturday, August 27, 2011

Orangelips: Something Funny in Stormy Weather!

Orangelips: Something Funny in Stormy Weather!: Heard this from my friend Kenyetta..... "For u "Single Ladies": In the Bible, Ruth patiently waited for her mate Boaz. While waiting on yo...

Something Funny in Stormy Weather!

Heard this from my friend Kenyetta.....
"For u "Single Ladies": In the Bible, Ruth patiently waited for her mate Boaz. While waiting on your Boaz, don't settle for ANY of his relatives. Brokeaz, Poaz, Lyinaz, Cheatinaz, Dumbaz, Downlowaz, Fakeaz, Cheapaz, Lockedupaz , Goodfornot hinaz, Lazyaz, Drunkaz, or Marriedaz and especially his third cousin Beatinyoaz. Please...wait on your Boaz & make sure he respect Yoaz

Love it, tell me what you think!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Orangelips: The Day the Earth shook

Orangelips: The Day the Earth shook: Wake up New York City!? The East Coast had an earthquake?! 5.9? God is speaking. We have to stop and listen. Stop thinking about ourselves a...

The Day the Earth shook

Wake up New York City!? The East Coast had an earthquake?! 5.9? God is speaking. We have to stop and listen. Stop thinking about ourselves and our itty bitty lives and worship the one and true living God  because he is HUGE... because he so deserves our time, our energy our praise. It's funny because no matter how much we describe him we still don't know how outstanding our creator really is. Our brains cannot discern his description. But we can look forward to the day when we will. I cant imagine seeing him face to face. What a privilege, what a time that would be when I will just fall on my knees, forget all my problems and my past and experiences on Earth to witness the only experience that matters, that lasts, "His Glory." The earth may shake, the buildings may topple, the world may end but all I know is God is sovereign and because I am saved I will not perish...but prosper. Now that is something to smile about!