Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Princess Vision

 "God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow into them."

Once a upon a time there was you and me birthed into a world far away from the kingdom we came from. Surrounded by sickness, generational curses, and a increasingly dark emptiness covered up by greed, addiction and pride. But the light from our kingdom shone on this world and called us to a purpose higher than ourselves. The light is Jesus, the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings. If we accept him our purpose becomes higher than reputation, economic status, social media, and reality TV. Through every shady window there is a kingdom waiting for the owner to claim the keys and say "Lord, I am home." This book defines the true meaning of a princess and the heart of her ministry. The Parable of the God Chosen Husband is story after story of a hero choosing you as his love interest and fighting for your safety forever. Why? He loves us that much.

"Each chapter stands on its own as it deals with issues countless young women struggle with daily.  Issues like past sexual relationships outside of marriage; how to use faith instead of people; overcoming pride; the effects of being idle; combating fear; and my personal favorite – dealing with jealousy.  For the one called to a celibate life, there’s a parable for you.  For the prodigal daughter – there’s a parable for you"- Reader- Tracy Woods

Step out on faith and Trust him with everything! Our kingdom is not a place of worry but of peace that surpasses all understanding.

"God will bless those whose heart is pure, for they will see God. God blesses those who work for peace for they will be called the children of God." Matthew 5

VISIT for details
email for any questions

love you. God loves you more...take the keys of wisdom and REIGN. This is not a fairy tale this is the real thing.

Friday, January 11, 2013

My 1st book! Yay!

My book is all about relationship building. It answers life challenging questions like, "God, why am I still single? Really, why I am still single, is it me? How can I be a better friend? What should I do while I wait? How should I treat a friend of the opposite sex? Or God, why am I not hearing from you? Allow God to ignite a passionate flame for a romance that never dies. Read The Parable of the God Chosen Husband. Discover God's best for your life in 2013 and beyond. Sixteen short stories of faith, redemption and the love story of a Savior that loves you beyond your past. The story of a timeless Pursuer that is waiting for you to begin the romance of a lifetime. Order a copy today! Then tell me what you think. I would love to hear your feedback.

 I declare God's wealth over your life. May you have peace, health, laughter and truly God's best starting right now.

Camille ~ "My dove is hiding...Let me see your face; let me hear your voice. For your voice is pleasant, and your face is lovely." Song of Songs

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Across the GW

It was nice to see my family for my cousin's birthday party last night in Jersey!  How you doin? lol

Even though I wish I could hear my aunt's incredulous laughter one more time I'm so grateful for the people in my life. Thank you God for relationships!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Gents Stand Up!

: Gents Stand Up!: Gents Stand Up! Sometimes I feel like if I don't get married soon my b...

Gents Stand Up!

                                                                   Gents Stand Up!

 Sometimes I feel like if I don't get married soon my body is going to split in two. (dramatic I know)
Why is this?

 I have an amazing relationship with Christ, two awesome parents, great family and friends, and a bright future.

I student teach, go to school in the night and save the world on the weekends. (just kidding)

I feel super independent without a man and super strong carrying my own groceries eight blocks from the supermarket to my building. (A little too strong, my back aches as I write this)

With all the super independent career women in the world you cant erase the need that is buried deep but still present( for a man's voice, touch, presence.)

Honestly, no matter how independent a woman says she is all women need One man to care for them, to cherish them and only them. It only takes One. The right One. To get it right the first time.

All women need a supporting shoulder to lean on, to cry on, to hold on to in hysterical laughter,  to touch and know its there to stay, its granite and its real. To know this manly shoulder is not going anywhere. i repeat myself it is here to stay.

I'm not on a search for the sexiest man, the best in bed. I'm not thirsty for hot guys to date. I'm not on a hungry trail to fill up my Saturdays with the guy of the week because the girls on Sex in the City make it look cool.

There is only One man I wait for. One man that I want to support me, who understands me like no other man on this planet can, I need that One man who gets me.

Going on a scavenger hunt, swinging from one guy to the next guy will not attract him to me.

I believe that there is One man who was put on this Earth to hold my hand and say " Don't worry Camille, ( cute pet name goes here) I'm right here. Follow me. "

And I will. I will follow him to the ends of the Earth. (there are none. Just a figure of speech)

I will trust this One man, (not two three, four five) just one for a lifetime. Divorce is not an option.

I will follow him because he will be a true leader. Not a fake substitute. ( sounds harsh but I'm serious)
I will follow him where ever he goes, where ever he wants to take me. I will never let go of his hand because I know and I'm familiar with the destination UP.

So Men that's what all women really want. A man they are sure about. Confident about. A man they can fall in love with Again, Again, Again and Again. The love never dies because it is not based on superficial things but is sealed with God's hand of approval.

Women want a man they can fly with not crash and burn with. But in order for her to hold your hand and never let go she has to know you two are going in the same direction and pray fully that direction is UP.

In order for her to trust you, you have to be Trustworthy. In order for her to have all respect for you you have to be Respectable. In order for her to Honor you like a queen honors a pharaoh/ like a princess honors a sultan/ citizen honors a dignitary/church honors a pastor :
you have to Be Honorable.

You cant show your butt (showing underwear is practically like mooning)
to a woman and then expect her to stop and listen to what you have to say.

You can't create children out of wedlock, make excuses for it and expect a woman to trust you.

You cant be incarcerated for not listening to authorities and expect a woman to listen to you.

You can't disrespect a woman by calling her out her name and expect her to have respect for you.

You cant ignore her phone calls for days and then expect her to be available when you call.

You cant lie to her face and then expect her to be honest with you.

You cant compare her to another woman and then expect her to celebrate you.

You cant expect men to treat your daughter like a princess if all her life you mistreated her mother/ other women.

You cant expect your son to be a man if you didn't show him how to Be ONe.

You cant expect a good stable long lasting marriage if you don't know WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST.

I feel like I am bashing men. But I'm not. I hate to do that because there are so many good ones out there. But for those that are trying to fit in and look cool and bag females, look to the who created you. In order to get the best you have to be the best. No expectations. All of us have work to do.

A good man says "There are no excuses."
. A godly man triumphs over all hardships/setbacks/mistakes/failures and
eats them for breakfast. He hasn't the time to dwell on them. He has work to do. ( Mine is one of those heh heh)

So stop looking for a "supermodel chick" when the girl next door, that's just it! Is right next door..

She may not be super fabulous, super sexy, super hot, look madd good ( by the World's Standards) but she is super Saved she has super Vision, super Destiny, super Substance, super Loyalty, super Gentleness, super Kindness, super Humility, super Self- Control, super Purity.  (and so on I can go forever with this lol)

She won't cheat on you, she wont ruin your credit, you wont try to look smarter than you and make you feel less than a man because she has been saving herself for you. Stop going by the World's Standards of what your wife should look like, sound like, dress like, how gangsta she is.
( Basketball Wives anyone?) Go by God's standards.

There is a handbook he created just for you. ( 1 Corinthians)


Be the men that you where created to be. Leaders, not followers. Gentle with the womenfolk. ( goes for grannies on the train, little girls running past you making you miss a bus, females that you are not dating included). Leaders not followers, righteous, upstanding, ( meaning refraining from speaking bad language when a lady enters a room. Even though you shouldn't be speaking like that anyway! ( Mama Camille lol). Men that are loyal ( stop cheating ! yes looking is cheating if you are lusting after and while you are looking!) Men that are strong towers of Morality ( stop saying you are a Good Guy, good guys DO the right thing. You know right from wrong.) Men that wont fall under pressure but will be cornerstones for Christ. Need I say more?

Where you at Men? ( Where for art thou Gents?)

I see you. Stop hiding under those clothes, you're better than that. You're too handsome to be a statistic. You're too handsome to speak that way, to settle, to just exist....

Don't be afraid to stand outside the crowd.
There are two kinds of guys out there. Godly guys ( true authentic gems, priceless)
and ungodly guys ( who make excuses, a penny's worth)

Which one are you?

Your sons are following your footsteps which man will they follow?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Orangelips: Christian Monologues for Women.

Orangelips: Christian Monologues for Women.: First before you begin to read/memorize let me give you a brief summary of both. The first monologue is called Why me? The woman can be a t...

Christian Monologues for Women.

First before you begin to read/memorize let me give you a brief summary of both. The first monologue is called Why me? The woman can be a teen or a female in her early 20s. She is a tough girl, she has seen alot, been through alot, basically raised on the streets kinda of girl. When you perform this monologue there has to be an easy harshness about you. You know the term rough around the edges..That's her! She is use to treating people like trash until one day nobody cares about her. So she decides to end it all until The Healer comes into her life and nothing is ever the same again...

The streets taught me how to be tough, heartless, cold, how to permanently damage with my words and my fists. How to please a man. The streets taught me how to survive… Nothing scared me, nothing got in my way, no one stopped me from getting what I wanted when I wanted it. I was the boss and the world was on my side. I had parties, had loads of follower’s, wannabe’s, even my enemies wanted to be like me. I had all the power…Until she came.
She was smarter, prettier, Better. She took everything and now I don’t shine. She came out of nowhere I wasn’t prepared. Now no one is afraid of me anymore, no one wants to listen to me, no one wants to be like me, no one sees me, no one loves me.

I am sorry for what I done but no one forgives me. I dont blame them. Look at me, pathetic, filthy, and used up, worthless. He said he would love me forever – but – he lied. He's with Her now. I am nothing but an empty shell.  Depressed, lonely, Insecure, Heartbroken. I don't deserve to live anymore. I escape.(Picks up knife and holds to wrist)  Until a voice cries STOP!!!!
I see him.
He is perfect in every dimension, stainless, and he tells me to put the blade down. He tells me he cares, he tells me he loves me beyond my faults, he tells me he could erase my past, he tells me he will restore my body, he tells me with him all things are possible,  he tells me he has a purpose and a plan for me. So I drop the knife. I accept him into my heart  and suddenly I am born again? I am Born Again!  And nothing is ever the same! No one has ever spoken to me the way he does. He speaks to my heart. He has taught me for the first time how to LOVE and now LOVE is everywhere I go. It’s strange. People I use to scare just follow this light inside me. I don’t know why he saved me! But glory be to God I’m so glad he did! When I ask him why me? He just simply says when life Fails you. When people fail you. When you Fail, my love never Fails....


“A man worth waiting for…”
"A man worth waiting for..ahh. What can I say about this one?? Well it is my living, walking, breathing testimony that's for sure!! lol This is a word for all the single Christian ladies out there holding on for the chosen one, the one God promised her.  The woman can be any age, desperate for a guy in the beginning and in the end desperate to serve and to praise her God in advance for his special delivery! This monologue is  supposed to be humorous based on my book Parable of the God -Chosen Husband. These monologues were made to share, read aloud, enjoy and of course to act it out! Have fun and be encouraged!
(reading Song of Solomon)
“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth
-muah- muah
For your love is more delightful than wine.
Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes,
Your name is like perfume poured out.”
-your name is like perfume poured out?#!
OK God -I can’t take this any longer!
Where the  he-heaven is he??
I’ve been waiting for years and all I get are funky guys who talk a whole lotta game.
So where is heeee?
I’m tired of waiting, waiting and Waiting and waiting..
So where is this sweet smelling fantastic kissing man? I’m a virtuous woman, where is my virtuous man? Where? I don’t see him.
Is he even coming?
(hears the VOG)
He's on his way?
Where? Where? I'm so ready!
Is he stuck in traffic?
(acts as if she sees the man she has been waiting for)
Ouee! maybe that's him.
(Got a better look)
Nooo. That's Not him!
Ahhh. Here I am, alone, just waiting for my Boaz to put a ring on it!
(hands clasped as if praying)
Father, can he be strong and tall with great arms?
Full lips with perfect teeth with a smile that lights up a room?
Oh and he has to be smart, funnyy, charming,  stylish, SUCESSFUL, have a little swagger, oh and God??
Can he have Big Feet?
_Wait a minute- what am I saying??
Lord you know what’s right for me and you have perfect timing.  You told me he is on his way,,,So What am I so anxious about? I trust you with the man you bring into my life, whoever he is, whatever he may look like, just let him be a Man of God!  I pray that I will be the woman he has been waiting for inside and out. Keep working on this. (points to heart)  So that I will be ready when he comes. Father I trust you with the Delivery and the Package. Therefore I won’t complain about the wait because he will be all that and then some – in YOU- truly a man worth waiting for-